InHumanity AcademybyLisa Loewen, MAIS, RCCClaimA poem about finding self after living a life for othersDec 1, 2024Dec 1, 2024
InHumanity AcademybyLisa Loewen, MAIS, RCCWhat If There Was a Course All About You? (There Is — And It’s Currently Free)Delve into the core of what makes you… well… YouOct 5, 20241Oct 5, 20241
InHumanity AcademybyThe Learning Journals Initiative7 Simple Ways to Turn Small Intentions Into Big Life ShiftsUsing “Learning Journals” to turn micro-intentions into action (without getting overwhelmed)Sep 7, 20242Sep 7, 20242
InHumanity AcademybyLisa Loewen, MAIS, RCCUncovering Identity — Are You Living Your Story or Someone Else’s?Rewriting your script and dismantling borrowed identities (one question at a time)Sep 2, 20241Sep 2, 20241
InHumanity AcademybyLisa Loewen, MAIS, RCCBoundaries and Our Inner Child (The Challenges of Setting Limits with Parents)With Learning Journal writing prompts to explore what lies beneath our adult experienceSep 1, 20241Sep 1, 20241
InHumanity AcademybyThe Learning Journals InitiativeThe Power of Boundaries with Parents (And How Learning Journals Can Help You Build These)Navigating the complex emotional terrain of parental boundariesSep 1, 20242Sep 1, 20242
InHumanity AcademybyLisa Loewen, MAIS, RCCWhen Guilt Speaks (Understanding and Healing Childhood Wounds)By connecting with our inner childJun 20, 2024Jun 20, 2024
InHumanity AcademybyLisa Loewen, MAIS, RCCLearning Journals to Extend and Maximize Your Counselling SessionThe work doesn’t end when the session doesFeb 13, 2024Feb 13, 2024
InHumanity AcademybyThe Learning Journals InitiativeLearning Journals for Creators in the Digital Age (Without Apps or Gadgets)Harness the power of reflection in the $250 billion “Creator Economy”Dec 24, 20234Dec 24, 20234
InHumanity AcademybyThe Learning Journals InitiativeLearning Journals for Healthy Self-Talk (By Leveraging “Thinking About Thinking”)Breaking myths about talking to your SelfDec 29, 20238Dec 29, 20238
InHumanity AcademybyThe Learning Journals Initiative33 “Learning Journal” Styles to Deepen Your Creative PowersIncluding 15 techniques and 10 insights to hone your approachDec 25, 20239Dec 25, 20239
InHumanity AcademybyThe Learning Journals InitiativeThe Messy (and Powerful) Art of Unstructured Learning Journals for Thinkers and WritersYour incubator and canvas for ideas, thoughts, and creativityJan 2, 20243Jan 2, 20243
InHumanity AcademybyThe Learning Journals InitiativeWhen the Art of Writing Meets the Science of Well-Being10 examples of Structured Learning Journals for maximizing impactJan 5, 20248Jan 5, 20248
InHumanity AcademybyThe Learning Journals InitiativeHow Slow Thinking Overcomes Evolution (And Our Rush to Respond)Learning Journals as a gateway to more thoughtful livingJan 13, 202410Jan 13, 202410
Jason McBrideHow I Handle Mental Health Crashes as a Freelance Writer & IllustratorSometimes I fall down the holeJan 26, 20242Jan 26, 20242
InHumanity AcademybyThe Learning Journals InitiativeBridging Gaps in Personal Growth and Professional Practice (Learning Journals for Counsellors)The ethics and act of reflection in the arc of counselling careersJan 8, 20242Jan 8, 20242
InBouncin’ and Behavin’ BlogsbyLisa Loewen, MAIS, RCCCreating My First Free Online ProductI was scared at first, but I conquered the world of fillable PDFsJan 8, 20244Jan 8, 20244
InNowismsbyJenny LaneOpening a New Notebook to a New Page of ExistenceThe I am into amJan 5, 202481Jan 5, 202481
InHumanity AcademybyThe Learning Journals Initiative6 Thinking Styles to Break the Stigma of “Overthinking”Using Learning Journals to deepen your thinking and learningJan 6, 20248Jan 6, 20248
InHumanity AcademybyLisa Loewen, MAIS, RCCThe Art of Reflection (How Learning Journals Capture Growth and Change Over Time)Learning journals take you well beyond ‘dear diary’Dec 28, 20231Dec 28, 20231